Clinics - Специализиран център за детокс и отслабване Pulse Health Center



We live in a time and environment that makes us sick and visibly aggravates our quality of life. We often feed on poor quality food, and in a hurry, we are subject to constant psychological stress and work stress, our environment is systematically outside acceptable standards of cleanliness, and all of these factors slowly but surely get sick. This is the reason we create a new generation place that can ultimately guarantee results in detox, healing, weight loss and revitalization that each of us needs. In the various examination, diagnostic and therapies cabinets, you will find the latest generation of specialized devices for running the various programs the center offers. With their help, you will reduce your weight without hunger by keeping your success in the long run by acquiring useful habits for yourself and clearing your body from all accumulated toxins and residuals.

The atmosphere in the clinic is quiet, pleasant, allowing for full active relaxation. We strive to focus on the most enjoyable, elegant and non-medical view of the premises in order to provide peace, relaxation and complete relaxation to our clients.

Staying at PULSE HEALTH CENTER will help you not only with your specific needs but also in the long run to master the ins and outs of a healthy lifestyle.